New Haven Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

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Any motor vehicle accident has the potential to cause severe injuries, but this risk is much greater when a motor vehicle driver hits a pedestrian. If you or a loved one was struck by a car while walking, you need to consult a New Haven pedestrian accident lawyeras quickly as possible. They can help you prove liability for the accident and recover compensation for the damages you suffered.

Legal Counsel for Injured Pedestrians in New Haven, CT

Dolan Injury Lawyers, PLLC, offers results-driven legal counsel for all types of accident claims in New Haven and surrounding communities. Whether you were hurt in a pedestrian accident or are caring for a loved one injured in such an accident, you need legal counsel you trust to help you make clearer sense of your recovery options and help you navigate toward collecting the compensation you deserve.

Whether you remember how your accident happened or have no memory of the event due to your injuries, your attorney can be a crucial asset for every phase of your recovery process. If another party is responsible for injuring you, the formal legal process of holding them accountable and securing compensation for your losses is likely to be more challenging than you may initially expect, and you need a dedicated advocate to guide you.

Our firm approaches every personal injury case we accept by learning as much as possible about our client and their experience. We want to learn what effects your accident has had on your life and assist you in determining the optimal path to recovery. You have a time limit for filing any type of personal injury case in the state, and the evidence you may need to prove fault may only be available for a short time, so it’s important to connect with a lawyer as quickly as possible.

Proving Fault for a Pedestrian Accident in New Haven

Before you can collect any compensation for the damages you suffered in your recent pedestrian accident, you first need to prove exactly how the accident happened and identify the driver responsible for causing it. Pedestrian accidents may occur because of moving violations such as running red lights or stop signs, or they may result from distracted driving or illegal acts like driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

It’s a common misconception that if a driver hits a pedestrian, the driver is automatically at fault for the incident. However, it is possible for a pedestrian to share fault for this type of accident and face a diminished recovery as a result of their shared liability. The state enforces a modified comparative fault statute, so if a plaintiff bears liability for their damages, they lose a percentage of their case award equal to their percentage of fault.

A pedestrian could face a diminished recovery in this type of case if they crossed the street illegally or if they were walking on a road where pedestrian traffic is prohibited. In any such case, the injured pedestrian will need an experienced attorney’s help in order to minimize the fault percentage assigned to them. As long as the plaintiff bears less fault than the defendant, they can still claim compensation for their damages.

Evidence you may need to prove fault for a pedestrian accident could include traffic camera footage, vehicle computer data, cell phone records, and testimony from witnesses who saw the accident happen. The right attorney can make gathering this evidence much easier, and they can handle building the foundation of your case while you focus on your recovery and your personal obligations.

Filing an Auto Insurance Claim for a Pedestrian Accident in New Haven

Every driver in the state must have auto insurance that complies with the state’s minimum coverage requirements. When a driver causes an accident, their insurance pays for the resulting damages. However, filing an insurance claim is often a more challenging process than the average person expects. Insurance companies typically fight claims in whatever way they can, and the average person may not know how to resolve these issues.

Insurance company representatives are trained to use a claimant’s own words against them at every opportunity, and these companies will almost always fight back against claims for coverage in whatever way they can. Some will even try to take advantage of an injured claimant, hoping they accept an unfair lowball settlement offer out of desperation.

Your New Haven pedestrian accident lawyer can help you file your claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance policy. If the insurance company raises any disputes against you or mishandles your claim, your attorney will know how to resolve these issues. They will also ensure that you receive a fair settlement offer, and if insurance doesn’t fully cover your losses, your attorney can help you build a personal injury suit that aims for maximum compensation.

Building a Personal Injury Case for a Pedestrian Accident

A personal injury case is a civil claim for damages in which an injured party seeks compensation for losses that a defendant inflicted through negligence or intentional misconduct. Success with a personal injury claim requires proof that the defendant caused actual harm and that the plaintiff’s claimed damages directly resulted from the defendant’s actions.

It’s possible for an injured plaintiff to seek full repayment of all financial losses they suffered in the accident. These are likely to include medical expenses and lost income. The plaintiff may be unable to work while they recover from their injuries, and it is also possible for a pedestrian accident to result in catastrophic harm that leaves the victim permanently disabled. In this situation, the plaintiff can seek compensation for their lost earning power.

Pedestrian accidents may result in broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, internal organ damage, and spinal cord injuries. The victim may not only face extensive immediate medical bills for treatment of these injuries but also long-term treatment costs for rehabilitation. They may not only lose the ability to work, but one of their family members may need to take time away from work to care for the victim.

In addition to these economic damages, a plaintiff may also seek compensation for the pain and suffering they experienced from the accident. Generally, the more serious the plaintiff’s injuries and the greater the scope of the long-term or permanent harm they suffered, the more they are likely to receive in pain and suffering compensation. Your attorney can help you determine a suitable figure to seek with your claim and maximize your case award.

Resolving Your Personal Injury Claim in New Haven

Your New Haven pedestrian accident lawyer can help you build a cohesive personal injury claim against the driver who caused your accident, and it is possible to resolve a personal injury suit in two possible ways. Many of these claims are settled privately. This process is possible when the defendant accepts liability and the parties involved in the case are willing to compromise on mutually acceptable terms.

Alternatively, if the defendant denies liability for the accident or if the parties cannot reach a negotiated settlement, the case will need to be resolved in litigation. This is a more time-consuming and demanding process, and the final outcome will hinge on a jury’s decision. However, it is possible for a plaintiff to win a larger trial verdict than the compensation they may be able to secure through settlement negotiations.

What to Expect From Your New Haven Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

It is natural to have many pressing legal questions that you cannot answer for yourself in the aftermath of a pedestrian accident in New Haven, especially one that has caused significant long-term or permanent harm. You need legal counsel you trust in this situation. The right attorney can answer your questions and provide valuable guidance as you build your personal injury case against the driver responsible for causing your accident.

You have a limited time in which to gather some of the evidence you may need to prove fault, and you may not be able to secure this evidence on your own. You can rely on your attorney to build the foundation of your claim while you focus on your recovery. They will ensure you meet all filing requirements with the court and that your case is as complete as possible, containing all relevant information needed to prove liability and the full extent of your losses.

When it comes to resolving your personal injury suit in New Haven, your attorney can explain the potential advantages and disadvantages of settlement as well as litigation. No matter how you need to resolve your case, you are more likely to do so efficiently and secure the optimal outcome if you have legal representation you trust advising you through these proceedings.

Ultimately, a pedestrian accident can be life-changing for the victim and their family, and an experienced New Haven pedestrian accident lawyer can be an invaluable asset for the recovery process. Dolan Injury Lawyers, PLLC, has the resources, skills, and professional experience necessary for handling these cases, so contact us today and schedule your free consultation with our team to learn how we can help.

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