Distracted driving accidents in new haven

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Dolan Injury Lawyers

Traffic accidents have many causes, but a growing number of personal injury victims in the New Haven area have been struck by a driver who was distracted by the use of a cellphone. The distracted driving accident lawyers at Dolan Injury Lawyers, PLLC hold drivers responsible for the injuries they cause when their texting or talking on a cellphone leads to a collision with another motorist, a pedestrian, or a bicyclist.

Distracted Driving Laws

The most recent version of Connecticut’s law regulating cellphone use by drivers prohibits drivers from using a “hand-held mobile telephone” or a “mobile electronic device” while operating a motor vehicle. Engaging in a telephone call while driving is permitted only while using a hands-free mobile phone. If the driver holds the phone while engaging in a call, the driver is violating the law.

The law prohibits texting with any mobile electronic device while operating a vehicle. It also prohibits using a laptop, playing a video game, taking a selfie, or using portable electronic devices for other purposes while driving. Communication systems and navigational devices, including GPS, are exempted from the law if they are built into the car.

“Operating a motor vehicle” is defined not only as driving, but as “being temporarily stationary due to traffic, road conditions or a traffic control sign or signal.” In other words, drivers cannot pick up their cellphone and make a call while waiting for the light to change or for traffic to start moving. The definition excludes drivers who have safely parked on the side of the road.

The Danger of Distracted Driving

At any given moment, about 660,000 drivers in the United States are using handheld cellphones or other electronic devices while driving. Drivers under the age of 25 are more likely to be using cellphones and devices while driving than older drivers.

Unfortunately, the problem is only growing worse. The percentage of drivers seen text messaging or manipulating handheld devices increased from 1.7% in 2013 to 2.2% in 2014.

Any activity that takes a driver’s eye off the road is a dangerous driving distraction. Examples include:

  • Applying makeup and other grooming behaviors
  • Reading a map
  • Programming a GPS destination
  • Unwrapping a cheeseburger

Although those activities are dangerous, studies show that the most dangerous form of driver distraction comes from cellphone use. Texting is by far the most dangerous activity, since it takes the driver’s eyes off the road for the length of time it takes to compose a text.

Distracted Driving Enforcement in New Haven

State troopers and the police in New Haven and surrounding communities combine to write thousands of distracted driving tickets every year. In recent years, the police have established distracted driving checkpoints for two weeks in August. They hope that ticketing drivers before the school year starts will save the lives of students.

In addition to the distracted driving tickets that the police wrote in New Haven, hundreds of citations were issued in Derby and Wallingford, while dozens of other drivers were ticketed in Milford and other local communities. Rather than using checkpoints, the police in Guilford relied on police officers in unmarked cars to crack down on distracted drivers.

Police agencies point out that they don’t have the personnel to target distracted drivers throughout the year. They ticket drivers who cause accidents by paying attention to a cellphone rather than the road, but at that point it is too late to prevent injuries or fatalities.

Personal Injuries Caused by Distracted Driving

Accident victims in New Haven and other Connecticut communities have the right to seek compensation from negligent drivers who caused or contributed to their injuries. Using a handheld cellphone while driving is a negligent act if driver distraction contributes to the accident.

While the civil justice system is designed to provide remedies for individuals who were wronged, it can also have a positive effect on social behavior. Drivers who read about lawsuits based on injuries caused by distracted drivers may come to appreciate that the consequences of distracted driving are greater than receiving a traffic ticket.

The personal injury attorneys New Haven at Dolan Injury Lawyers, PLLC want all drivers to pay attention to the road, not to their cellphones. We see the harm caused by distracted drivers. We help accident victims recover compensation for injuries caused by distracted driving, but we encourage all New Haven drivers to obey the law and drive with care.

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